Want to get fit? Want to make new friends? Want to be a super glamorous intergalactic space angel? JOIN US.
Never skated? Doesn’t matter! Our experienced coaches will teach you everything you need to know about this wonderful game. All we ask is that you are OVER 18 with a can do and will do attitude.
There is no upper age limit and you can be of any size or shape so what are you waiting for?
What will I have to do?
We will teach you all you need to know to play roller derby (how to fall, how to stop, whips, etc.) and the rules of the game plus tactics. You’ll learn how to work with others in a pack, improve your speed and how to block other skaters.
When can I join?
PLEASE NOTE: We don’t have any intakes planned at the current time, but please keep an eye on our social, we want to do another one in the summer.
On the day just turn up at Parklands Leisure Centre in Oadby at 13.30 and head to the Sports Hall. Go into the door on the left and introduce yourself. We’re very friendly 🙂
We can lend you all the kit you need until you get your own.
So what are you waiting for??
Where is it?
Parklands Leisure Centre in Oadby, there is parking onsite (although it costs £1).
What should I bring?
Make sure you wear something comfy (not jeans) – shorts or leggings will do! You can borrow skates, pads and a helmet if you don’t have them, but please message us here to let us know what size skates you need.
How much does it cost?
We will soon be holding a special intake course which will be 5 weeks of training.
4 weeks on skates, learning how to skate, stop and other basic skating as well as derby tricks and strategies.
The last week will be off skates as you become an NSO (Non skating official) and help out in a real live scrimmage (practice game)!
What do I have to do to join?
Just come along to the next intake! Feel free to email us here if you have any questions.
You can also join us on Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram