Skater of the Month – April
Killmore Girls – you are our skater of the month!!!
Now you are a celebrity skater, you have to give us an interview as it’s the law!
Congratulations on being our skater of the month – how do you feel about this amazing accolade?
Very, very shocked and surprised! Aww thanks guys! Really?! How exciting!
What are you doing right now?
As one of DRR’s most formidable double threats – what advice can you give to anyone that wants to follow in your footsteps?
Just to persevere when things get hard and remember to have a laugh. If you get scared, ask yourself the question ‘what would Buffy do?’ (or Xena if you are Rolling Pins 😉 ) and then try not to vom.
Who are you most terrified of meeting on the track – anyone?
Trashin’ Bones! Also, there was that time that The Mighty Mighty Bash gave me a run for my money…..
I have heard in real life that you design under garments and also take care of your own mini farm? and are not just a roller derby super hero – is that true?
Yes! Not quite a mini farm, but my cat and two dogs can be very troublesome at times!
Had you ever done sports before you took up roller derby?
I did Shotokan Karate for 5 years (ages 10-15) and skated from the minute I could fit my feet into some Fisher Price roller skates until about 16, a spot of Area Sports at school, but no team sports.
If you can tell someone new to derby just 3 things – what would they be?
1) It’s a little bit moreish.
2) You will soon find that you are more competitive than you think you are.
3) You will progress a tiny bit every day.
If you could pick any song you wanted just for you for your skate out what would it be?
Bis- Kandy Pop
What is your most favourite roller derby moment so far?
I’m still in love with our bout against Big Bucks; it was so exciting with 2 overtime jams. On a personal note I enjoyed our bout against Bristol Harbour Harlots as I actually scored some points! Our Belgium games the other week were pretty awesome too…
What Derby plans do you have for the future?
I’m going to get off my ass and get fitter/faster/stronger and try and kill the pesky jamming butterflies once and for all.
Thank you for your time and for this interview, we hope it will inspire mini-Killmores all over the country to become as awesome as YOU!
Ewww not too mini I hope? You know my thoughts on kids!
Love your skate out choice!!!