Join the Dollies!
New year, new you?

Want an alternative to the gym that lets you get fit, have fun and make friends all at the same time?
Join us on the 3rd and 10th of March for two taster sessions to introduce you to the world of roller derby – a fast paced, full contact sport played on roller skates. Your first session is FREE!
Can’t skate? No problem! We can teach you. Have some skating experience already? We can help you to develop your skills and learn everything you need to play.
No equipment needed, we can lend you kit. All we ask is that you wear comfortable clothing and bring a drink with you.
Want to know more? Email us at or post a question in this event.
Hey beautiful people!
It Leigh (Leigh,ve you behind) from RDL here. I’ve been thinking about joining the Dollies for such a long time and now RDL is folding, I have nothing holding me back. I realise that you may be getting lots of requests to join since at this time but would really appreciate someone getting back to me with details of if/when I can come and train with you guys. I haven’t trained with RDL for at least two years for personal reasons and then of course covid hit and I can’t wait to get back to skating with a team again.
Many thanks
Leigh’ve you behind